Welcome to the Auditor of State’s Independent Public Accountant (IPA) Registration site. Each IPA firm who plans to perform audits under contract with the Auditor of State is required to register through this website. One “account” will be established for each IPA firm, and all firm-related information should be entered by a representative equivalent to a partner level for the firm. Once the firm account has been established and approved by the Auditor of State, additional firm contacts may be added and given access to the IPA Portal. Each firm contact must be assigned a “Role” to control access to perform certain functions on the IPA Portal. Only firm partners/principals or equivalent should be assigned the “Partner Role.” Other firm staff can be assigned a “Processing Role” or a “View Only Role”. Individuals with a “Partner Role” will be responsible for ensuring the information in the account remains current and accurate. If the firm has multiple offices/locations which will be expressing interest in contracts,; those offices/locations can also be added once the firm is approved by the Auditor of State.
Please have all necessary information available to complete the registration process in one session as this site will not retain draft or partially completed information. Required information will include the firm’s name, FEIN/Tax ID #, the firm’s Ohio office address/phone, registering partner contact information, State registration/CPA permit #, and office staffing levels by position. In addition, you will be required to upload PDF copies of:
- The firm’s Equal Employment Policy
- The firm’s Policy on Auditor Independence (Government Auditing Standards)
- The firm’s most recent external quality control review report (Note: The review report must state it is in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and be dated within the last three (3) years.)
- If an MBE or EDGE firm, the related Ohio DAS Certification
Problems with your firm’s registration?
Please contact IPACorrespondence@ohioauditor.gov